10-Year Economic Impact of The Mill PMCA Report on the Economic Impact of the Mill 2014-2024

On Friday, The Mill Enterprise Hub Drogheda officially celebrated its 10th Birthday. The event, which had close to one hundred in attendance, contained a number of speakers and fireside chats and was also the launchpad for the new three-year strategy for The Mill Enterprise Hub for the period 2024 – 2027. As part of the celebrations, The Mill also unveiled its 10-year economic impact report.

Read the Report

Bespoke Grants, Supports & Business Advice

Support – We Are Here to Help You

At The Mill we understand that new and scaling businesses need support. Our full time Director of Business, Innovation and Enterprise is on site to provide you with all the necessary supports and advice to assist you and your company during this period.

Bespoke Grants Advice

As part of your on boarding process you will receive a grants and supports session that is bespoke to your business sector and stage of business maturity. At the end of your session you will receive a list of supports and grants that are relevant to you and your stage of business along with a clear list of actionable priorities to set you on your way.

Life at The Mill

Book Your Appointment Now

Startup & SMESupports & Grants Database

The database of supports is a collection of supports and grants that are publicly available to startups and SME’s.

To learn more about the supports available for your business please clink on the link below or arrange a meeting with our Director of Business, Innovation and Enterprise please click here

Click Here to Access Over 100 Grants & Supports

Microsoft for Start Ups Access up to $350,000 Credits

Anyone who has started a company knows firsthand that the journey can be unpredictable. Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub was designed with this in mind. Based on feedback from founders like you, Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub provides cloud credits to build on Azure without restrictive timelines. As your startup grows, the number of free Azure credits you receive grows with you, so you can save money and develop at your own pace.

Every startup that is accepted into the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub is assigned to one of four levels based on your company stage: Ideate, Develop, Grow, Scale.

Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub credit levels

The level to which you are assigned is determined by where you are in your startup journey. As your company and Azure usage grow, you will graduate to the next level and unlock more Azure credits and additional benefits.

We encourage every member to keep track of their Azure allowance and consumption to take maximum advantage of the credits available.


Apply Now

AWS Amazon Web Services Access up to $100,000 Credits

Build and scale your startup with the right resources at the right time.
Got a great idea? Build it with AWS Activate. As an AWS Activate member, you get free tools, resources, content and expert support to accelerate your startup at every stage. Benefits include: more than 40 solution templates to build and deploy your product, AWS expert curated tips for your business and technical needs, and best practices training from Learn on AWS. When you’re ready, you can apply for up to $100,000 in AWS Activate credits. AWS Activate is your solution to a scalable, reliable, and cost-optimized startup.
AWS Activate Console
Register today for instant access to personalized guidance, pre-built infrastructure templates, and other tools to accelerate your startup.
AWS credits
When you’re ready, apply for up to $100,000 in AWS Activate credits to help cover your AWS service usage. Once you’re approved for credits, you also unlock access to exclusive offers for business tools and services offered by our partners to help accelerate your startup’s growth.

All AWS credits are listed in USD and are subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms & Conditions. If you are based in China or building on AWS China Regions, please apply for the Activate China program here.

It only takes a few minutes to apply to join AWS Activate:

Step 1

New to AWS? First, create a free AWS account. Have an AWS account? Skip to Step 2.

Step 2

Join Activate after you’ve logged into your AWS account and immediately access benefits.

Step 3

When you’re ready, apply for up to $100,000 in AWS Activate credits and receive notification of the outcome within 7-10 days!

AWS Activate Providers: If you are a venture capital firm, accelerator, incubator, or other startup-enabling organization interested in providing AWS Activate Portfolio benefits including credits to your startups, complete the online form and an AWS representative will be in touch. If you are a startup interested in applying for AWS Activate credits and you are backed by a startup-enabling organization ask them for their Activate Organization ID.

Apply Now

MentorworksFree mentoring & 6 month business improvement plan


MentorsWork is a mentoring and learning initiative designed for SME owner-managers and leadership teams across all industries in Ireland.

Private sector businesses based in Ireland with between 1 and 250 employees are eligible to participate in MentorsWork.

What is on Offer

  • 12 Week Business Support Programme – tailored to your specific needs with targeted supports including:
  • 1 to 1 mentoring sessions with an industry relevant mentor (Minimum 3 sessions, maximum of 6 sessions)
  • In depth Competency Assessment to discover how you can improve
  • Masterclass and Workshops to learn from business experts and peers
  • Curated online learning library, available anytime, anywhere (3 x license access per company)
  • Bespoke 6 Month Business Improvement Plan

Certain businesses are not eligible to participate in MentorsWork:

  • Private sector businesses with over 250 employees
  • Public sector organisations
  • Charity or not-for-profit organisations
  • Businesses based outside the Republic of Ireland


MentorsWork is supported by Skillnet Ireland. Skillnet Ireland is mandated to support private sector enterprise.

Apply Now

Start & ScaleE-Learning Series

Our Start & Scale E-Learning Series is designed to provide practical supports to Startups and SME’s by providing a series of useful blogs which will address some of the key challenges businesses face.

The Start & Scale E-Learning Series is filled with practical information on the areas which people most commonly look for help on. The series is designed to help business owners launch, establish and scale their business.



Access Start & Scale E-Learning Series

Lunch & LearnTalk Series

The Lunch & Learn talk series is designed for startup’s and SME’s. The purpose of the series is to introduce guest speakers as well as in house speakers to Startup’s and SME’s to inform them on relevant business topics to help grow their business.

The Lunch and Learn Series will also incorporate a workshop element where attendees are broken into teams to listen to business challenges and provide advice to on how to tackle these business challenges.

To learn more about upcoming Lunch & Learn events, please click here

Upcoming Lunch & Learn Events

Access to Mentoring Panel

Mentors can play an invaluable role in companies scaling journey. Scaling start ups at The Mill can access our experienced mentoring panel to provide them with specialist advice on a variety of sectors.

Our Mentor Panel

Access to Free Intern 6 Month Intern Program

Members of The Mill can avail of free 6 month intern to help grow their business through our partnership with Erasmus+.

Students availing of the program are provided with flights, accommodation as well as two meals per day. The students are typically from Switzerland or France and come with a good standard of English. They attend English classes for 0.5 days per week, but are available for their host company the other 4.5 days per week. The interns arrive in two cycles, Aug – January (inclusive) and February to July inclusive. To find out more about how you can avail of this service, please speak with Ronan or Anna at reception.

Book Your Appointment Now

Podcast & VloggingTraining Series

Members of the Mill can access our exclusive Podcast & Vlogging training series with Patrick Haughey, Founder of Audiobrand and Today FM School of Radio & Podcasting.

Learn how to create, record, edit, monetize your series and grow your business presence in the process.

Members of The Mill can avail of our Podcast and Vlogging video training series in our Members Log In section of the website.

Studio 92 Media Centre

Mental Health& Wellness

The Mill have partnered with Titan Wellness as our Mental Health and Wellness partner.

Members of the Mill can avail avail of a series of in person events in 2023 plus a variety of online programs in our Members Log In section.

Topics Include:

  1. Mental Health & Wellness with David Gillick
  2. Sleep Masterclass with Tom Coleman
  3. The Power of Mindfulness with Siobhan Flynn
  4. Physical Wellbeing with Niall Ronan

About Titan Wellness

Legal Supports PartnerFlynn O Driscoll Solicitors

The Mill Enterprise Hub is delighted to have partnered with Flynn O’ Driscoll solicitors to provide support to the company’s located in The Mill.

Flynn O Driscoll was awarded ‘Law Firm of the Year’ in 2022 at The Irish Law Awards and have a strong track record in the areas of startups and commercial. In addition, Flynn O’ Driscoll were ranked in the Top 10 legal firms in Ireland for Mergers and Acquisitions in 2022 based on the volume of deals successfully completed.

Further details on The Mill’s partnership with Flynn O’ Driscoll will be announced in the coming weeks.

About Flynn O' Driscoll Solicitors

Financial Planning support for your business with

The Mill has partnered with Fortitude Financial Planning for Mill residents to speak confidentially about their financial planning opportunities with Francis McTaggart, founder of Fortitude Planning.

Fortitude Financial Planning work with business owners and individuals, helping them to maximise their financial opportunities, both within the business and outside of it. Fortitude’s approach involves aligning your business and personal finances, so you know that you’re always working towards your goals – no matter which hat you’re wearing.

Fortitude’s advice includes specialist pension planning to help you get the most from any company tax breaks available to you. Fortitude will also support you with business protection requirements to ensure you and your business will be covered in light of any unforeseen events. Whatever size your business is and however far along in the journey you are, it’s important to plan ahead.

Financial Planning Services Available:

Pension Planning

Fortitude can help you understand how to make the most of your pension options and tax efficient contributions as well as keeping you on the correct side of any regulation requirements and review any existing arrangements you have in place.

Tax Efficient Solutions

Fortitude can help you put in place strategies to help maximise tax efficiency and ensure your business is making the most of any relief opportunities.


Managing risks is a key part of building a business and Fortitude can review your need for and arrange shareholder and keyperson insurance to ensure your business & family are protected in the face of unexpected life events.

Employee Benefits

If you have employees working for you Fortitude will help you deliver impressive employee benefit packages your staff will love, generating employee loyalty and increasing employee retention levels.

The cost of your initial consultation is absorbed by Fortitude Financial Planning directly with no initial cost direct to you. Any subsequent charges will be agreed directly between Fortitude Financial Planning and yourself.

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Innovation Funding Millers Receive a 10% Discount on R&D Tax Credit Claims Fees with Braithwaite

The R&D Tax Credit

Introduced by the Irish Government in 2004, the R&D Tax Credit incentive is designed to encourage innovation and global competitiveness by allowing companies to reclaim some of the money invested in qualifying research and development.

Braithwaite has been managing R&D incentives in Ireland since the scheme was launched and is part of a worldwide group with over 35 years’ experience in claiming R&D tax credits for a broad range of international clients, including some of the world’s best-known brands.


Braithwaite’s Process

We apply a unique methodology to navigate the complexity of the initiative and adopt a holistic approach to secure the maximum possible Revenue Refund for your organisation. Our Innovation Funding Consultants gather all the information they need quickly and efficiently, peer-to-peer. We write the Technical Report, collate all the eligible costs and calculate the associated benefit for inclusion in your company tax return. Lastly, we take care of any queries from Revenue as audit support is included free of charge with every claim we submit.


Already Claiming?

If you have an issue, no matter how small, it might be worthwhile finding out how working with Braithwaite can add value to your claim.

  • We do most of the work – so you can focus on your business
  • We employ the best people – so you get the best results
  • We’re competitive and flexible – tailoring our approach to suit you
  • We have a great working relationship with Revenue – you can rely on us
  • We minimise risk to your business – your peace of mind is paramount
  • We take a holistic approach – across all your innovation in Ireland, the UK and internationally

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Drogheda & DistrictChamber

Members of The Mill can avail of up to 50% savings when they join Drogheda & District Chamber

  • 1st Year Half price 50% Discount
  • 2nd Year 25% Discount
  • 3rd year 25% Discount
  • 4th year Full price

10 reasons why you should join Drogheda Chamber

  1. Become part of a Thriving, Vibrant & Diverse Business Community
  2. Build better, beneficial business relationships
  3. Boost your business profile
  4. Attend rewarding learning & networking events
  5. Have your voice heard!
  6. Advisory Panel – Exclusive access to expert support & advice
  7. All the latest business news & updates straight to your inbox
  8. Form worthwhile connections through our strategic collaborations & partnerships
  9. Member to Member Discount Scheme
  10. Provision of highly subsidised Training & Development with M1 Skillnet.

Register as a Chamber Member

M1 SkillnetDrogheda

About M1 Skillnet

M1 Drogheda Chamber Skillnet is a multi-sector learning network which provides subsidised training to local businesses across the region.
M1 Skillnet is committed to supporting regional growth and workforce development through the provision of quality, industry-led training. M1 Skillnet’s objective is to support the advancement of our member companies by identifying and addressing their technical and non-technical skills needs. Contact M1 Skillnet today to learn more.

M1 Drogheda Chamber Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies.

So How Does It Work?

  • SAVE YOURSELF WORK: M1 Skillnet communicates with your business to determine what your training needs are, and what your current and future skill shortages may be.
  • SAVE YOURSELF TIME: M1 Skillnet source the training for your business, finding the best training provider that will provide the most effective training for your business.
  • SAVE YOURSELF MONEY: M1 Skillnet part fund the training, meaning that your business will receive invaluable training for your workforce at a fraction of the cost.


M1Skillnet also offers networking opportunities for your business.

We foster a collaborative approach to allow you to make new contacts with businesses along the M1 Corridor, to share knowledge and ideas to improve business as a whole throughout the region

About M1 Skillnet

Skills to AdvanceFunded & Accredited Training Courses

Funded Training Courses for Employers & Employees

Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB), through its dedicated Employer Engagement Unit, liaises with employers, employees, and enterprise representative bodies, to provide workforce development opportunities, across all sectors and to all business in the region.

Skills to Advance

  • Flexible training aligned to business needs
  • Training Needs Identification to suit individual enterprise requirements
  • Courses that are responsive to emerging and evolving markets

‘Supporting Working Lives and Enterprise Growth in Ireland’

Additional detail about the ‘Skills to Advance Scheme’ is available here:

Further Details available here

LMETB Employer Engagement Unit

The Employer Engagement Unit is dedicated to working with employers and employees to support their education and training needs. Employers are supported to identify key skills needs and upskilling as well as reskilling opportunites to support enterprise growth and economic development. For further details please contact skillstoadvance@lmetb.ie

Training Delivery, Accreditation and Progression Routes

Skills to Advance offers accredited tutor-led training courses at Levels 5 and 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).  www.nfq.ie

Courses Available Include:

Management & Leadership, Team Development, Health & Safety, Information Technology (IT), Green Skills, as well as offering industry specific training. The employer engagement team have strong links with industry, whose training needs continuously inform dedicated course provision.

Progression Routes:

Skills to Advance courses are delivered as Special Purpose Awards or Minor Awards. These provide stackable blocks of learning, leading to Major Awards, if required, and/or progression opportunities on the NFQ. Further detail is available through the Employer Engagement Team in addition to the dedicated Adult Guidance Section in LMETB.

Access Routes

  1. Employee Direct Access (Route 1)
  2. Employer Led Access (Route 2)
  3. Employer Led Access – Regional/National/Sectoral Initiatives (Route 3)

Who to contact?

Contact the Employer Engagement Unit, at skillstoadvance@lmetb.ie for any further information

Funded Training Course List