What We Doa supportive community for Start Up's & SME's
The Mill opened its doors to start-ups in 2014 and has since become the main Hub for the accelerated creation & growth of healthy new enterprises in the South Louth, East Meath and wider Drogheda region. It currently houses close to 50 companies ranging from startups and SME’s to emergent FDI’s (Foreign Direct Investment).
The Mill Enterprise Hub is more than a co working space though, we provide a wide variety of supports to businesses to accelerate their growth and improve their chances of success by working with the businesses in a partnership approach. Our supports include training, mentoring, access to affordable office space, sign-posting to sources of finance, being part of a ‘can do’ community – all provided in a friendly, helpful and thoughtful environment.
Our integrated mix of space consisting of hotdesking and varying office sizes conveniently enable businesses to scale their operations from The Mill. Currently The Mill has 20 offices in the building. The Mill’s goal is to enable companies to succeed and scale to create local employment to the point where they eventually graduate from The Mill as they require even larger offices to grow and create the space for the next series of Start Up’s and SME’s to enter The Mill in the process. Previous award winning companies that have graduated from The Mill include Yapstone Payments and Aphix Software.
To learn about the supports available to you in The Mill, please clink on the link below.